Access: Why it counts
Founding Partners
Launched in 2018, the One by One campaign was founded by the Access Challenge and The Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete Foundation. The Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete Foundation provides critical research, analysis, and senior political engagement to the campaign, while the Access Challenge serves as the overall campaign manager.

The Access Challenge is a not for profit organization which works with national, political, business, and cultural leaders to advocate for equal access to healthcare. The Access Challenge recruits influencers and highlights their leadership through high profile mass media campaigns and targeted high-level leadership engagement in order to catalyze expanded investment in health and the requisite policy changes needed to promote universal access to health.
The Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete Foundation
The Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete Foundation was established in February 2017 with the vision of transforming lives through innovative, effective, sustainable, and value-added solutions. The Foundation’s mission is to work with governments and other stakeholders to bring about progressive change and transform the quality of people’s lives across Africa. The objectives of the Foundation are to promote sustainable socioeconomic growth, modernization of agriculture, environmental protection, greater access to education and healthcare, as well as responsible governance in Africa.