
Multi-Sectoral UHC Services Framework
The One by One: Target 2030 campaign has introduced the “Multi-Sectoral UHC Services Framework,” first presented in the Access Challenge and the Harvard Global Health Institute’s Report “Africa Leads the Way: Harnessing Multi-sectoral Collaboration to Achieve Universal Health Coverage”, to illustrate a sustainable, cost-effective course for achieving UHC through highly collaborative strategies among traditional and non-traditional health sectors focused on all aspects of health.

About the #UHCis Digital Campaign Series
To harness the Framework and encourage multi-sectoral collaboration on Universal Health Coverage, the Harvard Global Health Institute and The Access Challenge launched #UHCis, a series of digital campaigns that celebrate international advocacy days by spotlighting the unique work of different sectors that contribute to the shared goal of making quality health coverage accessible to all by investing in upstream determinants of health. #UHCis highlights this work through the sharing of case-studies and policy best practices across Africa.